Black Friday Code: DIGEST35

Do These Three Things Every Morning for Better Brain Health

Learn how walking, supplementing with probiotics, and taking cold showers can sharpen your cognition

When your brain is functioning at its finest, you may find it easier to solve problems, make decisions, retain information, and concentrate. For better brain health, all it may take is a change in your morning routine. Learn what three things you can do every morning to keep you and your brain healthy.

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Hi, everyone. This is Dr. Michael Ruscio. I just want to make a quick preface that the audio that you’re about to listen to is actually the audio compendium to a video, which has appeared both on our YouTube channel and on our Instagram page for your convenience. We want to always release the audio version of a video here on the podcast. However, it’ll be evident in some videos, more so than others, that the visual aids may be heavily referenced and leaned on. In some cases, having a depiction of a concept can be very helpful in portraying and making comprehendible that concept. So in any case, if you are listening to this and you want the visual aids, please see our YouTube and/or Instagram page so you can have access to those. Okay. And here we go to the audio for today’s video.

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I care about answering your questions and sharing my knowledge with you. Leave a comment or connect with me on social media asking any health question you may have and I just might incorporate it into our next listener questions podcast episode just for you!

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