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Do you want to start feeling better?

Yes, Where Do I Start?

The Most Effective Probiotic Protocol on the Market

Why three probiotic supplements together is best.

Probiotics need to be used properly to get their intended benefit. In today’s podcast, I talk about the 3-for-Balance protocol I recommend in the clinic, and explain why using three probiotics together is best. I also share a case study from Phyllis, who used the 3-for-Balance protocol to dramatically improve her SIBO.

In This Episode

Why the 3 for BALANCE Probiotic Protocol Works … 00:00:55
2 Reasons Your Probiotics Haven’t Worked … 00:02:45
Get Off the Probiotic Merry-Go-Round … 00:04:52
Case Study: Phyllis & SIBO … 00:05:54
Choosing Quality Probiotics … 00:07:49

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  • One quality probiotic from each of three categories works better than one type of probiotic alone.
    • For best clinical results, use the three types together
  • Probiotic therapy failure is usually due to only using a single type, or fillers in low-quality products that flare your symptoms.
  • Research overwhelmingly supports the use of probiotics for SIBO.
  • Choose quality probiotics to get the desired clinical effects, and avoid side effects.

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Hi, everyone. Let’s talk about probiotics, which helped to make this podcast possible. Functional Medicine Formulations contains a line of probiotics that I personally developed, and I’m super excited to be able to offer you the same probiotics that I’ve been using in the clinic for years and are a byproduct of an extensive review of the literature plus my own clinical experience.

In this line, you will find my favorite three probiotics in all three of the main categories that work synergistically to help you fight dysbiosis, like SIBO, candida yeast, and H. pylori, help to eradicate parasites, help to reduce leaky gut and repair the gut barrier, and can improve gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, and may even improve mood, skin, sleep, and thyroid function because of the far-reaching impact of the gut. You can learn more about these at

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➕ Full Podcast Transcript

Welcome to Dr. Ruscio radio, providing practical and science-based solutions to feeling your best to stay up to date on the latest topics, as well as all of our prior episodes. Please make sure to subscribe in your podcast player for weekly updates, visit that’s D R R U S C I O dot com. The following discussion is for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease. Please do not apply any of this information without first speaking to your doctor. Now let’s head to the show:

New Speaker:

The following is a Compilation of some of the short videos we’ve shared on Instagram. Over the last few months, we hope this information helps you get healthy and get back to your life.

Why the 3-For-Balance Probiotic Protocol Works

New Speaker:

Hi, this is Dr. Russo and why does the three for balance protocol work so well? And if you haven’t heard of the three for balance protocol, what is essentially, if you look at all the probiotics that have been researched, we can generally break them down and organize them into three categories. Essentially probiotics break down into other firstly lactobacillus and bifidobacterium predominated blends, or Saccharomyces, boulardii a healthy fungus or a non ellagic acid forming type of bacteria, soil based organisms. These are usually very specific strains and understanding. This allows you to take another step into using all three probiotic types together in order to achieve balance in the gut ecosystem, this stool analogy. It helps us to see the fact that what may be the most conducive to balancing the bacteria in your gut is a non one legged or one formula approach, but rather supporting the gut ecosystem.

Speaker 1:

Like you’re supporting a stool that you would sit on with three different legs of support. Clinically, I have found this to be the difference between floundering and success. And again, as the image here is the painting a one probiotic formula of protocol as to the analogy of a stool that you would sit on the balance. It is kind of a wobbly stool, but if we get three legs of support underneath, that does tend to be more conducive to longterm balancing of the microbiota. And I want to share just a few other faucets in here. Um, and this, this comes from our comprehensive guide to probiotics.

2 Reasons Your Probiotics Haven’t Worked

New Speaker:

One of the reasons why probiotics can fail is because they fail to do one of two things, either failing to establish balance in your gut ecosystem. Hence the analogy of the three legs of support, all balance in your gut microbiota ecosystem, or secondly, failing to establish balance in your gut.

Speaker 1:

So then why may many probiotic protocols fail or work in a suboptimal fashion? Well, in large part, this comes down to achieving one thing or not achieving this one thing. And that is really establishing balance in the gut ecosystem or not establishing balance in the gut ecosystem. It’s not to say that everything is about balance in the gut ecosystem, but this is certainly one pivotally important aspect ahead. And so if one that probiotic is akin to that one legged stool support that may encourage the balance, but it may not be enough to tip you into and to maintain the balance ecosystem. And so this is why you may have tried probiotics in the past, but not seeing quite the results that you’re looking for because the type of support wasn’t CA wasn’t quite comprehensive enough.

New Speaker:

Hi, everyone. Let’s talk about probiotics, which helped to make this podcast possible.


Functional Medicine Formulations contains a line of probiotics that I’ve personally developed, and I’m super excited to be able to offer you the same probiotics that I’ve been using in the clinic for years and are a byproduct of an extensive review of the literature, plus my own clinical experience. So in this line, you will find my favorite three probiotics in all three of the main categories that work synergistically to help you fight dysbiosis like SIBO Candida, yeast, and H. pylori, help to eradicate parasites, help to reduce leaky gut and repair the gut barrier and can improve gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, and may even improve mood, skin, sleep, and thyroid function because of the far reaching impact of the gut. You can learn more about these at

Get Off the Probiotic Merry-Go-Round

New Speaker:

This leads to another point that I’d like to make, which is when we understand this categorization system for probiotics, we can get off the probiotic merry-go-round meaning it can be easy when you’re at the health food store and you’re looking at an aisle of probiotics and say, well, I’ll try this one. And then I’ll try that one. Or maybe I’ve read a blog or listened to a podcast. And here’s another one that’s proposing to be new and novel. You can get swept off in this merry-go-round I’m just trying different products, not understanding that there’s a more important backdrop behind this, which is the three different categories types selecting a quality formula from each one of these types and using them in conjunction. After that, you can then close the book on your probiotic experiments and be able to confidently say, I did improve or I didn’t improve or more likely I saw X level of improvement. For many people just getting the probiotic protocol right will lead to a measurable improvement in how they’re feeling.

Case Study: Phyllis & SIBO


This transitions me to a case study I wanted to share here with Phyllis. Now, when Phyllis came in, she had been experiencing digestive issues for about three years, was previously diagnosed with SIBO or small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. She had done the paleo combined with low FODMAP diet for two years and had tried random probiotics and had negative reactions. This is a key point because one of those things that unfortunately you’ll hear is that if you have SIBO you shouldn’t use probiotics. Even though this goes fully against what the totality of the clinical literature published in the medical journals clearly concludes.


So, this is a case where we made a few changes. We put her on the 3 for BALANCE probiotic protocol, and after one month her energy was better, she had improved motility or regularity and improved overall “gut health”, as she described it, meaning the array of symptoms she was feeling were improved. This is an example of the proof is in the pudding. This is really articulating the concept that someone can be on a good diet, paleo and low FODMAP combination diet, and having had tried probiotics before and saw reactions and they could falsy conclude probiotics won’t work for me. Now, what may have happened in this case was the probiotics that she was using could have been filled with filler prebiotics, which you see in some cases, or more importantly, the probiotics didn’t have good quality assurance measures. So what may have happened here is the probiotics said 50 billion, but actually inside of the probiotic was only 10 billion and there were some cheap filler prebiotics in there, so she didn’t get the benefit of the probiotic and was actually flared by the prebiotic. There’s no way for me to know, for sure.

Choosing Quality Probiotics


However analyses have been performed of probiotics on the market, and it is appalling how many of them do not meet their label claims. Now this is not to say that the most expensive probiotic is the best. That would be the supplement companies spin. But it is very fair to say yes, that the quality assurance standards and regulations for probiotics are inadequate to protect both consumers and doctors. I’m just parroting a line from the American Journal of Gastroenterology, which has concluded that. So quality here definitely matters. As well as using the probiotics in a directed fashion such as the 3 for BALANCE Probiotic Protocol as Phyllis’s case so beautifully documents, can be the difference between being on a great diet and having used probiotics in the past, seeing no results or even negative reactions. And then literally only in a month seeing measurable improvements in how she’s feeling.


So if you have not yet read about our 3 for BALANCE Probiotic Protocol, I would highly you to give that a look, execute the protocol using Lactobifido probiotic blend, Saccharomyces boulardii and soil-based all together. This is a great way to finally perform correctly a very important aspect of your gut health, a well rounded probiotic protocol.

Speaker 2:

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