New Research Shows What’s Helpful for Hormonal Health
Hear what interventions are effective for polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), hypothyroidism, menopause, and more
As I reveal the latest studies in female hormones, thyroid health, and menopause, the research findings speak for themselves. Let’s look at what the data says about effective (or not so effective) ways to normalize TSH levels, reduce the risk of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and hypothyroidism, improve sleep during menopause, increase the absorption of the thyroid hormone, and make use of selenium, probiotics, and inositol for thyroid health. Listen in to hear what strategies you can apply to improve your hormonal health.
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Dr. Michael Ruscio is a DC, Naturopathic Practitioner, researcher, and clinician. He serves as an Adjunct Professor at the University of Bridgeport and has published numerous papers in scientific journals as well as the book Healthy Gut, Healthy You. He also founded the Ruscio Institute of Functional Health, where he helps patients with a wide range of GI conditions and serves as the Head of Research.
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