Does your gut need a reset?

Yes, I'm Ready

Do you want to start feeling better?

Yes, Where Do I Start?

Do you want to start feeling better?

Yes, Where Do I Start?

HGHY Great-In-8 FAQ Step 1

Great-in-8 Plan Contents

Healthy Gut, Healthy You

Please post any questions or comments regarding a step of the Great-in-8 action plan in the corresponding section as listed to the right

Step 1: Reset

We will be adding answers to the most commonly asked questions about Step 1 of the Great-In-8 plan along with important information for troubleshooting this step here shortly.

Please post any questions or comments regarding this step below.

Q: If I am trying to get pregnant, currently pregnant or breastfeeding, what parts of the protocol should I modify?

A: First off, I want to emphasize that any and every decision made while trying to become pregnant, during pregnancy, or while nursing should be run by your OBGYN or PCP.

Here are some of my thoughts to be considered in the context of working with your doctor:

  • Any dietary changes are likely fine. The low FODMAP diet has actually been shown in a pilot study to decrease infantile colic when the mother consumes a low FODMAP diet and is breastfeeding a colicky baby.
  • The elemental diet is probably fine, but should be discussed with your doctor to confirm.
  • As far as supplements go, fish oil, vitamin D, multivitamin, probiotics, prebiotics, and fiber are all likely fine.
  • Adrenal support, hormonal support, and antimicrobials should be avoided.
  • Regarding prokinetics, some are recommended against, so discuss with your OBGYN

Q: What if I’m a vegetarian or vegan? Can I still follow the protocol?

A: While I don’t have any personal biases around a vegan or vegetarian diet one way or another, it can admittedly be very difficult to follow during the protocol. Many vegan protein sources are not low fodmap or not typically included in a paleo diet. My best advice would just be to listen to your body. If you choose to incorporate some of the things that aren’t technically paleo, but are low fodmap (tofu, quinoa, etc), pay close attention to how you feel. If your gut doesn’t seem to be improving, try taking them out and seeing if that changes anything. Good luck!


I care about answering your questions and sharing my knowledge with you. Leave a comment or connect with me on social media asking any health question you may have and I just might incorporate it into our next listener questions podcast episode just for you!

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