Does your gut need a reset?

Yes, I'm Ready

Do you want to start feeling better?

Yes, Where Do I Start?

Do you want to start feeling better?

Yes, Where Do I Start?

4 (Hidden) Warning Signs of Gut Issues To Address

Steps of empowerment to take to resolve fatigue, brain fog, skin issues, anxiety, and depression

While gastrointestinal symptoms like bloating, constipation, abdominal pain, and diarrhea can certainly indicate a gut imbalance, they aren’t the only signs to look out for. Hear the four surprising symptoms that might indicate an unhealthy gut and what to do about it.

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➕ Dr. Ruscio’s Notes

The Surprising Signs Of An Underlying Gut Issue

  • Mood imbalances (anxiety, depression)
    • Dysbiosis, leaky gut, and inflammation can explain the gut-brain connection.  
    • A meta-analysis of 73 papers looking at the connection between IBS, depression, and anxiety showed that IBS patients are three times more likely to experience depression and anxiety.
  • Brain fog


  • Fatigue
    • A meta-analysis with 24 studies found that 54% of IBS patients experience fatigue. 
    • Literature is mixed on the role cortisol plays in IBS.
      • One study showed low cortisol in IBS patients, while other studies found normal or elevated cortisol levels.



Natural Symptom Relief For A Healthy Gut, Mind, and More

  • Do an elimination diet. 
  • Consider following a low FODMAP diet. 
    • A study featuring 111 patients with IBS treated with a low FODMAP diet led to improvements in depression, anxiety, fatigue, and happiness and vitality. 
  • Take probiotics.

➕ Resources & Links

Getting Started

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