Why Your Thyroid Medication May Not Be Working
It is no secret that medications, in many cases, treat symptoms of the disease and do not treat the cause of the disease itself.
Most thyroid problems are driven by either inflammation or autoimmunity, both of which can be remedied by improving the health of your gut.
It is no secret that medications, in many cases, treat symptoms of the disease and do not treat the cause of the disease itself.
“Hashimoto’s is the most common cause of hypothyroidism in the United States 1-4” From Guyton’s Textbook of Medical Physiology regarding hypothyroid patients, “The thyroid...
Causes & Treatments of Hashimoto’s We have discussed that autoimmunity of the thyroid gland is the number one cause of hypothyroidism in the US. ...
How do insulin and blood sugar levels affect your thyroid? Well let’s quickly review insulin and blood sugar regulation. The reader’s digest version goes...
What causes thyroid dysfunction and what can you do.
Christina share’s her story of overcoming irritability and PMS while also increasing energy and libido. Subscribe to Dr. Ruscio’s YouTube account Dr. Michael Ruscio:...
Knowing what is causing a thyroid problem is the first step in overcoming it. I'll explain what the causes of thyroid dysfunction are.
How does this common toxin, bromine, affect thyroid function and what can you do about it?