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Chaste Tree — The Magical Herb for Hypothyroid and PMS?

Chaste tree, or vitex, is native to Greece and Italy and has a long history of use for supporting fertility and hormone balance. Discover how chaste tree can have a positive effect on thyroid and PMS and support both systems at the same time.

Chaste Tree — The Magical Herb for Hypothyroid and PMS?

Chaste tree, or vitex, is native to Greece and Italy and has a long history of use for supporting fertility and hormone balance.

“The chaste tree is a small shrub with lance-shaped leaves and purple flowers. It is native to the eastern Mediterranean and has since been cultivated in temperate climates around the world. Its peppery fruit has been used for over two thousand years; at least since the time of the Greek physician Dioscorides, who recommended it to help the wives of soldiers remain chaste while their husbands were in battle. The vitex berry was used by both men and women in ancient Greece and Rome, and by monks during the Middle Ages in order to suppress sexual desire. Pliny the Elder noted that Athenian maidens would put the leaves under their beds during the festival of Thesmophoria to help preserve their chastity.” — Mountain Rose Herbs

Amazingly, chaste tree can have a positive effect on thyroid and PMS and support both systems at the same time.

Chaste tree works in the brain to balance out the happy mood chemical called dopamine. We must have appropriate levels of dopamine to prevent anxiety and support focus. As chaste tree helps to balance out dopamine, it inhibits another hormone in the brain called prolactin from getting too high. In other words, as you increase dopamine, you decrease prolactin. High prolactin will shut down the ovaries’ proper release of progesterone.

When you don’t have healthy progesterone levels, you’re more likely to have PMS and lower thyroid function. Progesterone has a direct influence on thyroid function as it helps turn on thyroid hormone.

A study was conducted with 1634 women suffering from PMS. A specific questionnaire was developed for determining the effect of Vitex (chaste tree) on psychic and somatic complaints, on the four characteristic PMS symptom complexes depression, anxiety, craving, and hyperhydration (DACH), and on single groups of symptoms. After a treatment period of three menstrual cycles, 93% of patients reported a decrease in the number of symptoms or even cessation of PMS complaints; 94% of patients assessed the tolerance of Vitex treatment as good or very good.

Vitex is a slow-acting herb, so it may take months to see its full effects. It essentially supports the body’s own hormone cycle, rather than providing hormones, so it takes a little longer for the body to adjust to healthy hormone production. Click here to see the different ways chaste tree might support your health.

You can get chaste tree in capsule, tincture, or dried berry form. Our recommended protocol is below.

Name DoseTimesw/Food Description


2 Capsules1-2N/A

Herbal extract to balance progesterone

NOTE: Women who are no longer cycling should not take chaste tree. Chaste tree is not recommended for men.

Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only. You should consult with your doctor before using any of these products.

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