Does your gut need a reset?

Yes, I'm Ready

Do you want to start feeling better?

Yes, Where Do I Start?

Do you want to start feeling better?

Yes, Where Do I Start?

Research Updates

The Most Up-to-Date Findings on Gut Health, Made Simple

Medically reviewed & fact checked by a
board-certified doctor
Medically reviewed & fact checked by a
board-certified doctor
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Probiotics Improve Diarrhea, H. Pylori & IBS [New Science]

Probiotics can be a great tool for improving H. Pylori, Diarrhea, IBS and other gut-related problems. I’ll cover new research and probiotic protocols that will help you heal these common health issues.

And if you have any questions or topics you would like covered in the future, let me know in the comments!

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Probiotics Improve Inflammation & Brain Health (New Science)

Recent research reveals just how effectively probiotics improve inflammation, cognition, and depression. Tune in to hear the details of the latest in health science.

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These Probiotics Improve Leaky Gut by 82% (USE DAILY)

We already knew probiotics improve leaky gut, but this study shows just how game-changing probiotics might be for leaky gut improvement.

Tune in and let me know what you think!

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New Science Discovered for Balancing Thyroid & Female Hormones

The latest science on tackling hormone imbalances.

I’d love to know what you thought about the episode in the comments!

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New Research Shows How to Improve Sleep, Mood & Fatigue

The latest research has new strategies for how to improve sleep. There are also important findings on improving fatigue and mood. Tune in to hear research-backed methods to improve your health.

If you have any additional questions you would like answered in the future, let me know in the comments!

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Study Finds IBS Improvement with Long-Term Low FODMAP Diet

New research shows that a long-term low FODMAP diet can be used effectively for IBS. This is huge as there have been many theoretical concerns about using a low FODMAP diet long-term, such as negative impacts to the gut microbiota, nutrition levels, and quality of life. 

However, we’ll cover each common criticism and answer them with science. 

And if you have any additional questions about low FODMAP that you would like answered in the future, let me know in the comments!

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New Research to Resolve Constipation, Food Reactivity & Reflux

The latest studies help inform how to resolve constipation, acid reflux, and food reactivity. 

If you’re ready to nerd out about gut health, tune in. 

And if you have any other gut health topics you’d like me to cover, let me know in the comments!

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Probiotics Improve Leaky Gut, IBS & Candida [New Studies]

New research doesn’t just tell us that probiotics improve leaky gut, candida, and IBS, it tells us how.

Join me to unpack the exciting findings behind probiotics for leaky gut, candida, and IBS, and a protocol you can use at home to help find relief.

And if you have any additional questions you would like answered in the future, let me know in the comments!

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Probiotics Improve Immune System, Food Allergy & Stress

Recent research highlights that probiotics can make a significant impact on a wide range of conditions like immunity, stress, allergies, and even lactose intolerance.

Tune in to hear the latest updates and stay in step with the science.

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Research Updates for Fiber, Prebiotics, & Diet (Dec 2023)

There are some really valuable research updates to gut health therapies. Today I’ll break down and simplify the latest studies but, even more importantly, what they mean for your gut health

Be sure to tune in to hear about updates for fiber, prebiotics, and gut-healthy diets. 

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Research Updates: Probiotics for Depression, Dysbiosis, Bloating & Anxiety (Nov 2023)

A simple breakdown of new research on probiotics. There are really exciting findings for:

-And bloating

I’ve compiled what I feel to be the most valuable and actionable updates into today’s research update episode.

Please join me.

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Research Updates for SIBO, IBS & Autoimmunity (Nov 2023)

The latest round of research updates detail the most promising at-home therapeutics for GI conditions and autoimmunity. 

From gas and bloat to joint pain, recent research details the treatments that are both simple and efficacious. 

Join me to learn which treatments the science supports.

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Research Updates for Depression, Longevity & Muscle Recovery (Oct 2023)

A recap of the most exciting and tangible research updates, including findings for: 

-Ketamine therapy
-Fish oil
-Cold water therapy
-And more

Please join me to stay up to date on the latest health science updates.

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Probiotic Proof: Benefits For Oxidative Stress, Allergies & Gut Health (Oct 2023)

Let’s discuss the latest research in oxidative stress, allergies, kids’ health, and gut health, all through the lens of probiotics. 

We’ll cover how effective probiotics are for: 

-Acute diarrhea in kids
-Allergic rhinitis in kids
-H. pylori 

By covering the latest research, I hope to take the stress out of trying to stay up to date on the science on your own. Please join me.

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Research Updates: Probiotic Proof (Sept 2023)

In this episode, I’ll walk you through the latest probiotic research updates, including benefits for:

-Cognitive health
-Situational anxiety & depression
-And more

Join me to stay up to date on the latest probiotic science.

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Hormonal Health Research: Updates for Men’s Health & Menopause (2023)

In this episode, I’ll review the latest hormonal health research, including exciting findings for menopausal and men’s hormonal health. 

Join me to stay up to date on the latest research in hormonal health.

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▶ Research Updates: Probiotic Proof (Aug 2023)

In this episode, I share the latest research updates on probiotics. 

As you’ll see, today’s research covers an exciting and wide range of conditions, such as using probiotics for: 

-Brain health
-Metabolic health
-Body composition
-Blood pressure
-And more

Join me to stay in step with the latest research on probiotics, gut health, and overall wellness. 

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▶ Research Updates: Health Science Snapshot (Jul 2023)

Today I’m covering the latest healthy lifestyle research that includes a wide range of topics, including: 

-The best frequency and step count for health benefits from walking
-The best type of exercise for gut health
-A simple way to balance blood sugar
-The link between animal exposure and allergies in kids
-And much, much more. 

Join me to get the latest updates for healthy living. 

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▶ Research Updates: Gut Talk (Jun 2023)

In this episode, I cover updates to gut research. These updates are grouped into two main categories: gut dysbiosis and immune system. 

Gut health and immune health go hand-in-hand, so it may not be so shocking to hear how lowering gut inflammation can boost immunity.

What exactly works to improve digestive symptoms and immune function? This episode features studies that reveal the power of diet and the pitfalls of lab tests and environmental exposures. 

Listen in to better understand how to build a healthier gut. 

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▶ Updates in Probiotic Research for Oral Health & Kid’s Health

Today I’m covering exciting updates in probiotic research that extend beyond the digestive system. 

We’ll look at how probiotics can impact children’s health, oral health, and infections. 

Join me to see the latest research. 

Featured Studies:


I care about answering your questions and sharing my knowledge with you. Leave a comment or connect with me on social media asking any health question you may have and I just might incorporate it into our next listener questions podcast episode just for you!

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