Support Your Gut With Probiotics

If you find that your symptoms aren’t responding to dietary and lifestyle changes, the next step will be incorporating the available gut treatments into your plan. These are the same probiotics I use in the clinic with my patients, in each of the three probiotic categories, which work synergistically together to help fight dysbiosis like SIBO candida yeast, H. pylori, help to eradicate parasites, help to reduce leaky gut and repair the gut barrier, can improve gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation and abdominal pain and may even improve mood, skin, sleep and thyroid function.

Shop Our Probiotic Line Below

Support Your Gut With Probiotics - Lacto New M

Niche 1

Lacto-Bifido Probiotic Blend

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Support Your Gut With Probiotics - SBoulardii New M

Niche 2

S. Boulardii Probiotic

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Support Your Gut With Probiotics - SoilB 2s M

Niche 3

Soil Based Probiotic

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Dosing Your Probiotics

Lacto-Bifido Probiotic Blend1/4 tsp. OR 4 pills1-2N
Saccharomyces Boulardii Probiotic2-4 pills1-2N
Soil-Based Probiotic1-2 pills1-2Y

Each probiotic has a dose range.  Anywhere in the range is fine, more isn’t better.  Some like to start at the lower dose, wait a few days and then try the higher dose.  Others like to go right to the high dose.  Do whatever appeals to you.

How Do Probiotics Help You?

The Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology[1] and the journal Trends in Microbiology[2] offer insights regarding how probiotics make you healthier.

Probiotics can:

  • Increase healthy bacteria[3]
  • Fight harmful bugs
  • Recover from imbalances
  • Promote a healthy immune response in your gut[4, 5]
  • Reduce gut inflammation[6]
  • Reduce leaky gut[7, 8, 9]

Quality Matters

Quality assurance practices do matter. Probiotic manufacturing is not highly regulated and some labels claims do not stand up to scrutiny. Consider the results of these investigations into probiotic quality:

  • Of 26 commercial probiotics assessed in this study, none fully supported label claims, and some of them contained unacceptable microorganisms [10].
  • One study found only half of the probiotics examined had the specific strain listed on the label [11].
  • Another study found 43% of the probiotics assessed contained less than half the amount of probiotic listed on their labels [12].

What to Look for in a Quality Probiotic Supplement

If a company follows quality assurance practices, a probiotic supplement will meet its label claims and not contain potentially harmful organisms.

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