Heart disease is a sugar disease

If you have been following conventional advice, then you’ve been told to avoid fats to prevent heart disease. Turns out if you want to maintain a healthy vascular system and prevent heart disease, sugar is the target you want to seek out and eliminate. Research has found people who get at least 25 percent of

How to protect yourself from brain injury

Brain injury prevention goes beyond whether you wear a helmet. Two people with the same injury can have two wildly different reactions—one mild, one debilitating—based on the health of their brain prior to injury. Although we can’t necessarily control whether a brain injury happens from a fall, a car accident, or a blow to the

Control insulin resistance to prevent chronic disease

Heart disease, stroke, diabetes, arthritis, and Alzheimer’s — chronic diseases are the most common and costly health problems in the United States. What’s worse is they are largely lifestyle diseases, meaning they often can be prevented through changes to the diet. Many Americans today eat diets that throw their blood sugar out of balance and cause inflammation. Along with lack

Protect your body from disease with glutathione

Modern life inflicts constant assaults on our bodies in the way of industrialized foods, environmental toxins, chronic stress, lack of sleep, and even electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) from cell phones and computers. Our best defense to protect health is to shore up glutathione, the body’s master antioxidant. Although the body naturally makes and recycles glutathione, modern