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Do you want to start feeling better?

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Practitioner Tip of the Month – August 2019

Dr. Michael Ruscio’s Monthly – Future of Functional Medicine Review Clinical Newsletter

Practical Solutions for Practitioners

In Today’s Issue

Practitioner Tip of the Month - August 2019 - practice tip

Practice Tip

Do You Really Need To Do That?

Often times we, as clinicians, think that only we can do a certain task.  However, I challenge you to monitor your thoughts when doing said task.  Much like a computer, you likely have various ‘programs’ you run in your head.  These programs can be broken down into a series of decisions.  If these decisions are identified, you come away with a process, or a program, you can teach someone else.

The challenge is monitoring your own thinking and trying to identify these series of decisions; to map out your decision-making process.  Then, to identify what criteria you use in tagging a decision as yes or no.

This is a crucial task.  The more you can do this, and the better you can get at this, the more value you have added to the market place.  Why?  Because you have found a way to simplify what may otherwise seem to be a complex process.  This is a major driver of how technologies and services become more affordable.

With this in mind, monitor your time in your practice.  Look for where your involvement might not be needed.  This opens to door to then training someone else to assist, thus freeing up your time for tasks that only you can do.

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