Hilary Watts


Hilary is a medical content researcher and editor for writers and clinicians with a vested interest in what health research means for life on the ground. She compiles high-quality medical studies and summarizes them in everyday language, and she edits health-related articles for accuracy and accessibility. Her professional background includes 20 years of editing in various roles, 10 years working as a biologist, and shorter roles as an environmental journalist, freelance health ghostwriter, and therapist for underprivileged families. She has worked with the Ruscio Institute since 2020. https://hilarywatts.com/


  • University of New Mexico, BA Biology
  • Pacifica Graduate Institute, MA Counseling Psychology
  • Bastyr University, 2 years of ND program


Edited health-related publications

  • K Maulden. (2020). Habitually healthy [Online course]. 
  • Maulden, K. (2020). Nourishing our sanity: How eating animals can help us grow stronger & love ourselves [Ebook]. 
  • K Maulden. (2020, June). Here’s why high quality protein is your body’s best friend, Parts I–III [Blog posts]. 
  • Liu, H-Y., Wang, I-T., Hsu, D-Y., Huang, D-H., Chen, N-H., Han, C-Y., & Han, H-M. (2020). Conflict and interactions on interdisciplinary nursing student teams: The moderating effects of spontaneous communication. Nurse Education Today, 94:104562. doi:10.1016/j.nedt.2020.104562
  • Cohen, Adam. (2015). Aerobic green exercise as a transcendent experience: Psychotherapeutic implications for working with the unconscious (Master’s thesis). Retrieved from ProQuest. (UMI 1692037)
  • Wullschlager, Anne. (2015). Re-membering the flesh and the feminine: Illness, coinherence, and the creative imperative (Master’s thesis). Retrieved from ProQuest. (UMI 1692030).

Areas of special interest: MCAS, SIBO, gut health, complex chronic disease, placebo

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