
Surprising Benefits of Probiotics

Surprising Benefits of Probiotics

New research indicates probiotics are useful for treating diarrhea in children and babies as well as skin conditions, depression, and anxiety in adults.

Sun Exposure Reduces Depression

Sun Exposure Reduces Depression

Safe sun exposure increases vitamin D levels. Learn how to practice safe sun exposure, and how to get adequate sun during the winter months.

Our Comprehensive Probiotics Guide

Our Comprehensive Probiotics Guide

A review of the research reveals the 3 best probiotics for your gut and overall health. Dr. Ruscio provides a simple probiotic protocol for...

The Promise of Psychedelics in Mental Health

The Promise of Psychedelics in Mental Health

How psychedelics can aid therapy, with Dr. Will Siu. Several key psychedelics—MDMA, psilocybin, and ketamine—are being actively studied as therapeutic aids in conditions like...