Michael Ruscio

Finally, a better way to a healthy gut.

Practical, science-based advice to improve your gut health. Because a healthy gut means a healthy you.

Elemental Heal is a complete meal replacement shake that provides the essential proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and vitamins. Because of this, Elemental Heal can be used more frequently and/or for longer periods of time than other fasting approaches.

Elemental diets are gut-friendly, liquid diets that work quickly to improve IBD (ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s), IBS, SIBO, and inflammatory conditions. In fact, elemental diets are proven to work where other approaches have failed.

  • Much better tasting than most elemental diets
  • Gluten-free
  • Casein-free
  • Non-GMO
  • Not denatured by heat or chemicals
  • Made with 100% natural flavors
  • Free of artificial ingredients and preservatives

Elemental Heal lets your intestines rest and repair.

In elemental diets, the contents are “pre-digested” or broken down into elements:

Elemental Heal

A fast and powerful gut “reset”. Support a healthy inflammatory response and balance intestinal bacteria & fungus levels.*

  • Gluten & casein-free
  • Predigested to give your gut a rest
  • Clinically researched and scientifically validated

Elemental Heal Low Carb

A fast and powerful gut reset. Reduce inflammation, balance intestinal bacteria & fungus and heal leaky gut.* Now available in the first-ever low-carb formula!

  • Gluten & casein-free
  • Predigested to give your gut a rest
  • Clinically researched and scientifically validated
  • Low carb formula

Elemental Heal Whey Free

A fast and powerful gut “reset”. Support healthy inflammation and balance intestinal bacteria & fungus.* Now in a whey-free formula!

  • Strictly hypoallergenic formula
  • Does not contain eggs, shellfish, fish, whey, dairy, gluten, peanuts, tree nuts, wheat or soy.
  • Predigested to give your gut a rest.
  • Clinically researched and scientifically validated.


How To Use It

Gut Reset

2-4 Days

Use Elemental Heal shakes exclusively as your only source of calories for 2-4 days. This is an excellent tool for quelling an inflammatory flare. It’s a quick way to reduce symptoms and reset your gut.

Stubborn Imbalances

1-3 Weeks

Use as a remedy if your gut imbalance has not fully responded to dietary changes, probiotics, and antimicrobial therapy. Use Elemental Heal exclusively for 1-3 weeks, under a doctor’s supervision.

Meal Replacement


Use as a gut-healing meal replacement shake. Elemental Heal can be safely used long term to replace 1-2 meals per day. It’s a complete meal replacement but also predigested, giving your gut a chance to rest and heal.

Frequently Asked Questions

What supplements do I take after I’m done with the Elemental Heal diet?

No specific supplements are required.  But 2 helpful support strategies are below:

  • Elemental Heal as a daily meal replacement, providing your gut a daily healing window.
  • Probiotics help maintain bacterial balance.  Lacto-Biff, S. Boulardii, Soil-Based. And Gut Rebuild Nutrients help maintain a healthy intestinal barrier.

What if I’m lactose and casein intolerant, can I use the product?

  • Elemental Heal is casein free. The amount of lactose it contains is ≤ 3% and is low enough that many people who normally don’t do well with lactose are able to tolerate Elemental Heal with no problem.

What if I’m allergic/intolerant to whey?

  • Be cautious.  Elemental Heal uses whey protein.
  • Try our Elemental Heal Whey-Free Formula.

Do you still recommend Elemental Heal if I have an allergy to milk proteins (not just lactose intolerance)?

  • You would be better off to try our Elemental Heal Whey-Free Formula.

Can Elemental Heal help with weight loss?

  • Potentially.
  • If used as a meal replacement and to reduce total daily caloric intake.
  • Or, via reduced inflammation as your gut heals.

Will the carbs in Elemental Heal feed fungus or candida?

  • There’s no research to answer this question.
  • My opinion, no.
  • Why? Because it is absorbed in the first few feet of intestines.  So it should starve fungus just like it does bacteria.

Is Elemental Heal safe for children?

  • YES.  Robust research shows the benefit for children with inflammatory bowel disease;
  • Reduced symptoms, less relapse, improved growth…

Can Elemental Heal be used by highly active people?

  • YES
  • Why? It is a highly absorbable form of calories.  Many patients have noted they feel improved energy and vigor during workouts.
  • Be sure your caloric intake is high enough though

Can Elemental Heal be used all day?

  • “I prefer to blend up all of my Elemental Heal shakes at the beginning of the day, but on the bottle it says to consume within 4 hours. Why is that? What happens after 4 hours?”
  • As long as it’s kept cold, that should be fine.
  • Refrigerate to prevent spoilage

How much Elemental Heal should I get?

You can calculate how much Elemental Heal you will need to purchase by using our calculator: https://drruscio.com/eh-dosing-calculator

Why Dr. Ruscio, DC Recommends It

Preliminary clinical research has shown this to be true – this is not speculation

Elemental diets are highly effective for IBD (Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s).

The bulk of research into elemental diets is focused on IBD. It has been shown to be an effective treatment for IBD in numerous clinical trials, decreasing inflammation, reducing autoimmunity, and preventing relapses. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11

While data is still preliminary data, elemental diets have been shown to improve IBS, SIBO, celiac disease, and rheumatoid arthritis.

  • After two weeks on the elemental diet, 80% of subjects saw their SIBO breath test normalize, and 65% experienced an improvement in their IBS symptoms. 12
  • An elemental diet has been shown to help repair intestinal damage, reduce intestinal inflammation, and improve symptoms in those with celiac disease who did not respond fully to a gluten-free diet. 13
  • A clinical trial has shown that an elemental diet was as effective as the anti-inflammatory steroid drug prednisone for rheumatoid arthritis. 14

There seems to be general agreement among clinicians that elemental diets are a highly effective treatment. I have also found elemental diets to be very effective for patients. As the gut heals, patients often experience dramatic improvements in mood, sleep, fatigue, and mental clarity.

Research shows that elemental diets are safe

  • In research involving Crohn’s patients, long-term use of elemental diets was found to improve patient health and appeared to be very safe.15,16,17

What People Are Saying

I have enjoyed the support, guidance, and inspiration of a short list of thought leaders in the holistic health space. Dr. Michael Ruscio is at the top of the list. 

Kelly Brogan

Author of the NY Times Bestseller A Mind of Your Own

Dr. Ruscio is a leader in our field of functional medicine. He has always impressed me with his science-based approach that also includes a practical application emphasis.

Dr. Dan Kalish

Functional medicine expert

Thanks to Dr. Ruscio, I dropped 2 pants sizes, eliminated bloating after each meal, and have tons of energy all day long! 

Sean Olsen

I have studied gut health for nearly 20 years and have encountered few people with the level of knowledge on this topic that Dr. Ruscio possesses.

Robb Wolf

New York Times Best Selling Author
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